100% pure & natural honey, since 1938.
In 1938, Tony Rowse started keeping bees in Oxfordshire. So began his legacy of creating & championing the best environments for bees & beekeeping to thrive.
Every batch of Rowse® honey is pure and natural, individually tested, and traceable back to the hives and the beekeepers who tended the bees.
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Hives for Lives: pioneering a sustainable future for bees & beekeepers. Bees are important pollinators that help biodiversity thrive. Here’s the sting, bees are under threat.
That’s why Rowse® have heavily invested behind our unique Hives for Lives programme that helps protect them for future generations. We’re training the next generation of beekeepers to take care of the bees, both at home & abroad.
We’re pioneering research to help bees to thrive, for generations to come with 50 academic research papers published at the world’s only laboratory of apiculture – giving the beekeeping community more knowledge on how to help bees to thrive.
We've also helped in increasing bee populations, through mass restoration of nectar sources and improved biodiversity, at home & abroad
bee trees planted
wild bee colonies established
hectares of biodiversity reforested in Ethiopia
beekeepers trained in Ethiopia
bee farmer apprentices trained through the Rowse beekeeping apprenticeship scheme in the UK